» Advertise on myTzolkin.com
Send your advertisement material to hunabkumytzolkin.com with as subject "Advertise".
- Possible formats; jpeg, gif, png, swf (+fla no sounds)
- Possible sizes; 468x60 , 429x55 , 120x* , 160x*
Choose one of the options below...
Option 1: Banner-exchange
Place a myTzolkin.com advertisement on your website(s).
Your advertisement will be displayed equivalently on myTzolkin.com
Option 2: Payment *
A) € 2 per week for an advertisement of 2 banners.
B) € 7 per month for an advertisement of 2 banners.
C) € 13 per month for an advertisement of 5 banners.
D) € 150 per year for an advertisement of 10 banners.
* You'll receive a weekly report from how many times each banner has been displayed and how many times it has been clicked.